


    With the active commitment to the development of green energy, Taipower officially issued NT$8.3 billion 'green bonds' today (20171215). This was the first step and a milestone of Taipower's participation in 'green finance' and also the largest amount in the issuance market since Taipei Exchange promoted the Green Bond, which demonstrated Taipower's role of green energy promoter and its determination in environmental protection. Taipower stated that all of the fund raised by the issuance shall be used for three major green investment projects—'greenhouse gas reduction', 'pollution prevention and control' and 'development of renewable energy and energy technology' according to the implication of Green Bonds.

    Taipower explained that the issuance this time was the fourth term of 2017 unsecured bond and the total amount was NT$14.7 billion, which included two categories of green bonds: 7-year green corporate bond NT$5.6 billion (interest rate: 1.04%) and 10-year green corporate bond NT$2.7 billion (interest rate: 1.15%) with a total of NT$8.3 billion. In fact, this is the first year of Taiwan's 'Green Bonds' issuance (2017). Taipower has been one of the main participants in Taiwan's bond market and the issuance this time is the largest amount issuance among green bonds in the market. The NT$8.3 billion raised will be used in the construction for renewable energy projects such as offshore wind power, solar power and hydropower generation, etc.; besides, the fund will also be used in improving environmental protection measures so as to create a clean green homeland for the public.
