


  • The Taipeng submarine cable project has been in the making for ten years, and the process has been difficult due to the poor seascape, so it is necessary to hurry up the construction. The picture shows the scene of sea work.

After more than ten years of planning and construction of the Taipeng submarine cable, the construction team overcame various difficulties and finally made it join the operation at 4:00 a.m. today (30), linking the two ends of the power grid in Taiwan and Penghu, symbolizing the formation of the "Taipeng power grid". The Penghu power grid has changed from "off-grid to on-grid", which is a new page in the history of Taiwan's power grid development. Taipower said that thanks to the development of wind and light green energy in Penghu, the future green energy benefits of Penghu can be shared with Taiwan's home island through the Taipeng submarine cable. Penghu can also be interconnected with Taiwan's power grid through cables, reducing the use of fuel oil for electricity generation. The Taipeng submarine cable project has been "sharpening its sword for ten years" and can be said to be an important power construction with multiple benefits, such as energy transformation, people's livelihood and economy, and environmental protection.

Taipower explained that the "Taiwan ~ Penghu 161kV cable line project" has been planned since year 1994, including a total of 58.8km of submarine cable and 9.1km of land cable, totaling 67.9km. The line connects to the Penghu Substation in the Chienshan Thermal Power Plant in Huxi Township, Penghu County, and to the existing 161kV Beigang - Sihu Line in Yunlin County. The total project budget is approximately NT$15.73 billion. Construction began in 1997 after passing the EIA and was completed and put into operation this year.

  • The Taipeng submarine cable project can transfer the excess green energy from Penghu back to the main island of Taiwan, which is an important construction to promote the development of green energy. The picture shows a construction vessel setting up a cable.

Taipower emphasizes that, during the construction period of the Taipeng submarine cable project, various difficulties were encountered, including public representations, compensation for fishery rights, and poor seascape affecting the construction, but with the assistance and communication of the central government, local governments and civil representatives at all levels, a consensus was gradually reached with local residents and fishermen. The construction team also took advantage of the few remaining times of the year when the seas are relatively calm to work more closely and to make sure that this major national construction project could be carried out smoothly.

Taipower further stated that the cable pressurization test, which lasted for 7 days and up to 168 hours, began on the 22nd and was completed by the evening of yesterday (29). Subsequently, the power generation of Chienshan Thermal Power Plant was merged with the 69kV line of the plant, and the simulation operation was completed at around 8:00 last night. At 4 o'clock this morning, the Taiwan system and the Penghu system were jointly operated, and the system was officially operated.

  • The Taipeng submarine cable project is an important power construction to promote green energy development and is rushed day and night. We only hope to complete it as soon as possible. The picture shows the construction at night.

Taipower pointed out that, in order to make the system integration between Taiwan and Penghu smooth, Taipower has sent supervisors to "keep an eye on the field" in both Taiwan and Penghu to keep an eye on all changes in the process of system integration between the two ends. Since this was the first time that the power was turned on in Taiwan and Penghu, everyone dared not slacken off and is almost sleepless through the night. At 4:00 a.m., it was confirmed that the union had been successfully completed and that more than a decade of planning and effort had finally come to fruition.

Taipower said that, in the future, the Penghu power supply network will be tandem with the main island of Taiwan to transfer electricity in both directions, which can improve the stability of the power supply in the Penghu area and reduce the use of local fuel oil for power generation and can return the abundant green energy of Penghu to Taiwan, making Penghu a beautiful low-carbon island. The Government is actively expanding the development of renewable energy and continuously increasing the ratio of renewable energy. The successful completion of this project is a major indicator of the development of the green energy policy.


Spokesperson: Mr. Chang, Ting-Li, Professional General Manager
Tel: (02) 2366-6271 / 0936-625-552
Email: u742433@taipower.com.tw

Business Contact: Director Liao, Chun Feng, Transmission and Substation Engineering Division
Tel: (02) 2322-9700 / 0978-207-650
