

Last updated

Future Prospects

Improve the Efficiency of Thermal Power Generation, and Implement the Projects of Decommission

Please refer to: Information Disclosure > Engineering Information > Progress of Thermal Power Plant Projects

Some of thermal power plant in our company are old and affected by dispatching systems, unable to operate at the best efficiency and full-load running. In addition, since the old units get aging gradually, the actual operating efficiency will be lower than the designed efficiency, we not only conduct regular overhaul maintenance to maintain the efficiency and availability of units, but also actively conduct equipment improvement to slow down the equipment aging to maintain the best efficiency under various dispatching loads.

Our Company will successively implement the project of renewal plans of Linkou Power Plant and Talin Power Plant and eliminate old coal-fired steam-powered units, update and improve to the high-efficiency ultra-supercritical units.

Tunghsiao Power Plant, Datan Power Plant, Hsinta Power Plant and Taichung Power Plant have been updated and improved to the high-efficiency LNG combined cycle units.

Power Plant Fuel Installed Capacity (MW)
Tunghsiao Natural gas 892.6×3
Talin Coal 800×2
Linkou Coal 800×3
Datan Natural gas 92+112.36×2
Hsinta Natural gas 1300*3
Taichung Natural gas 1300*2


Linkou power plant


Talin power plant


Tunghsiao power plant


Datan power plant


Hsinta power plant


Taichung power plant