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Water Pollutant Discharge Source

The Water Using Process and Wastewater Recycling Effectiveness of Thermal Power Plants

All TPC thermal power plants have general wastewater treatment systems. We will also ensure by monitoring that wastewater discharge is compliant with the Effluent Standards. Otherwise, we do our best to recycle wastewater in order to enhance water usage efficiency.

Before setting up the discharge facilities, the best discharge method is determined by numerical simulation and hydraulic model tests, in order to reduce the impact of thermal effluent on marine ecology.

Thermal Power Plant Wastewater Reuse in 2023
Water Source Effluent of Treated Wastewater (tons) Reuse of wastewater
Hsiehho tap water 38,551 30,455 79.00  
Linkou tap water
well water
436,977 320,441 73.33  
Tatan tap water 242,187 196,422 81.10  
Tunghsiao tap water 222,643 158,107 71.01 Unit 2 and unit 3 were overhauled successively in the first quarter, and the unit 1 was overhauled in May. Therefore, the amount of recycled water continuously flushed by the boiler was greatly reduced, resulting in a reduction in the recovery rate in the first and second quarters.
Taichung tap water 675,774 675,774 100.00  
Hsinta tap water 461,652 295,834 64.08 1. In the third quarter, because the recycling water tank has been replenished to a high liquid level, and there was rainfall in July and August. The utilization rate of recycled water for irrigation and road dust suppression was low. The recycling water was not decontaminated at the recycling rate, resulting in the failure of general wastewater recycling. Reducing the recovery rate.
2. In the fourth quarter, unit 1, unit 2, and unit 4 have been shut down since October, resulting in reduced demand for boiler flushing water and general wastewater recovery as supplementary water for the bottom ash system.
Talin tap water 532,684 324,891 60.99 In the fourth quarter, due to the shutdown of the desalination plant in October, the load on the demineralized water plant increased, resulting in an increase in wastewater. In addition, affected by underground water seepage in the coal yard area, the amount of wastewater and discharge increased.
Nanpu tap water 72,719 25,704 35.35 1. Unit 4 and unit 3 were successively overhauled in the first and second quarters. The boiler flushing water recovery volume decreased, resulting in a reduction in the recovery rate in the first and second quarters.
2. In the third quarter, due to the heavy rain caused by the typhoon, the runoff wastewater flowed into the wastewater plant and was directly discharged, resulting in a reduction in the recovery rate.
Chienshan tap water 7,136 7,136 100.00  
Tashan tap water 8,843 3,064 34.65 In the third quarter, the flowmeter calibration at the beginning of the month, the recycled water pipeline was not switched. Therefore some domestic sewage was released.

Note: The industrial wastewater had excessive salt concentration from the flue gas desulfurization process (FGD). This wastewater was unusable because it could cause serious corrosion and salination of the soil, therefore, it was not counted in the total wastewater.

Monitoring the Quality of Effluent from Thermal Power Plants

The annual average value of effluent water monitoring of each thermal power plant in 2023, including the content of hydrogen ion concentration index(PH), suspended solids(SS), and chemical oxygen demand(COD), etc. The monitoring results all meet the Effluent Standards, as shown in the table below.

Water Discharge
pH Suspended Solids
Chemical Oxygen Demand
(COD) (mg/L)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD) (mg/L)
Hsiehho 21 7.9 3.6 14.6 2.5
Linkou 292.3 7.8 2.3 11.8 3.4
Tatan 124 7.4 6.5 9.7 1.9
Tunghsiao 176.8 7.6 6.6 12.2 2.2
Taichung 641 7.8 4.7 17.2 5.1
Hsinta 839 7.2 4.0 12.2 2.8
Nanpu 129 7.5 4.8 10.3 2.7
Talin 570 7.8 10.4 20.1 1.3
Standards - 6 ~ 9 30 100 30
Note: pH is the hydrogen ion concentration index.
Thermal Effluent
Water Discharge
(10,000 tons / day)
Temperature at the Discharge Point
the Temperature Difference of Surface Water 500m far from the Discharge Point
Hsiehho 229 26.0 0.05
Linkou 902 30.7 0.04
Tatan 977 30.2 0.52
Tunghsiao 796.5 30.97 0.02
Taichung 1638 30.0 0.25
Hsinta 1127 31.85 0.1
Nanpu 260 30.7 0.72
Talin 836 32.43 0.085
Standards - <42 <4
Note: pH is the hydrogen ion concentration index.

Water Discharge of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

Water Discharge of Thermal Power Plants


pH of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

pH of Thermal Power Plants


SS of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

SS of Thermal Power Plants


COD of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

COD of Thermal Power Plants


BOD of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

BOD of Thermal Power Plants

 Thermal Effluent Discharge of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

Thermal Effluent Discharge of Thermal Power Plants

Thermal Effluent Temperature at the Discharge Point of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

Thermal Effluent Temperature at the Discharge Point of Thermal Power Plants


The Temperature Difference OF Surface Water 500m far from the Thermal Effluent Discharge Point of Thermal Power Plants in 2023

The Temperature Difference OF Surface Water 500m far from the Thermal Effluent Discharge Point of Thermal Power Plants